Our service includes providing detailed plans for your proposed new kitchen layout.
To enable us to prepare these we need the following information:-
1) Detailed measurements of the room space (including window and door sizes & positions)
2) A listing of appliance requirements (either existing to be retained or new)
3) Any specific items you would like incorporating in design
This information can be emailed to us or alternatively, we can visit your property to take our own measurements.
(If you are having an extension or house built, we can still prepare plans working off your architects plans)
We prepare all plans on computer, which is by far the best way to view your proposed new kitchen. The pictures are in 3d, colour and give you the facility of viewing the layout through 360*.
If you have an email address we can send them to your home computer to allow you to view them in your own time.
If you click on our ‘3d plans’ section you can see examples of various computer generated kitchen plans.